Relationship & Couples Counselling

Counselling & Psychotherapy In Greater Manchester & across the UK via Zoom or Telephone

Relationships can also be complicated and have the potential to stop us from growing or, even worse, to cause us damage. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the majority of people that I have worked with have in one way or another, either directly or indirectly, come to psychotherapy and counselling because of difficulties with past or present relationships. Evidence from research in psychology and attachment theory confirms that dysfunctional relationships with our parents and those close to us during childhood can be the source of many psychological difficulties in the present such as ‘personality disorders’, anxiety, depression and even intimacy and sexual difficulties. Being in a relationship with a partner can also be the source of problems, as even the most loving relationships go through periods of strain.

What is relationship counselling

Together we will first help to identify and clarify the issues or problems in your relationship/s.

If couple counselling is the best way forward for both of you, you will embark on a series of counselling sessions – anything between six and twelve sessions is usual, but it will depend on the issues that you want to address.

Both partners don’t always have the same goals and for counselling to be helpful we need to establish an agreed focus for the therapy.

What happens in Relationship Counselling?

After making an appointment, Sue will connect with you by telephone to make an appointment either face to face or via Zoom. Both people would have to attend the first session.

In your first session, she will ask you questions about your relationship and what you hope to achieve from counselling. She might also ask you about any problems you’re experiencing, when they started and what changes you would like to see happen.

If you want to book further sessions Sue will ask you what days and times are best for you.

You might meet only once, or you might meet once a week for an extended period of time. What kind of counselling you receive – and how long counselling continues – all depends on you and what kind of issues you want to address.

What sort of issues can counselling help with?

People come to couple counselling for lots of different reasons.

You may be in a relationship where you’re arguing a lot or you might be struggling to talk to your partner. You might be thinking about ending your relationship or coming to terms with a break up.

Whatever the issue, Sue will not judge you and everything you say will be confidential.

We thought our marriage was over, we didn't expect that we'd be able to turn things around. But we did and we're both so glad that we made that effort.


I contacted Sue as my wife and I had been having problems for the last year. My job meant that we had to relocate and move country and my wife did not want to move away from her family. After a lot of soul searching and with the help of Sue, we were able to discover that we had rushed into marriage without really knowing what each other wanted in life. Sadly, it turned out that we both wanted different things. Our therapist helped us to understand ourselves better in the process.


Book an appointment

To find out more about Relationship Counselling, and to arrange an appointment Call Susan Light Counselling today.

If you’re new to counselling and would like to find out what it’s like you can try a free Live Chat with me by clicking on the icon on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

You can also send me an email using the Contact Form